Double Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies with Sea Salt

by Nikhil in

Whoops, as soon as you break a rhythm it sure is hard to get back into the swing of things! Bumped into one of my former coworkers this morning and she brought up this blog. Suddenly it dawned on me, I had not posted in a few months.

Decided to try something new and different by using hazelnuts. It took me a good five minutes to find them in the store. I think I still prefer macadamia nuts; maybe that will be my next item...

The Mrs. approved commenting, "You've made the perfect combination of cookie and brownie."

Notes for next time:

- 8 minutes really is the bake time, keep an eye on it.

- Keep chopping the hazelnuts into smaller pieces!

Valentine Heart Cupcakes

by Nikhil in

Hello and welcome!

The Mrs. and I took a break from posting due to a death in the family. Thanks for the well wishes, the Mrs. and I are doing fine.

But now January has passed and the month of Valentine's day is upon us! Vidhya, a wonderful coworker, gave me a book called Cupcakes made simple (dislaimer: affliate link). The Mrs. thumbed through the book and selected this recipe because it seemed most fitting for the time of year.

Didn't have a cookie cutter in the shape of a heart, so improvised with a knife. The heart is made of marzipan with red food coloring.



Pg 108 "Valentine Heart Cupcakes" 
Cupcakes made simple (dislaimer: affliate link)

Herbed Accordion Potatoes

by Nikhil in

Was shopping at Whole Foods and they had this recipe on display. Thought that the Mrs. would enjoy this recipe so went ahead and bought the ingredients. Sometimes its liberating to skip the grocery list and get inspiration at the store itself.

The chopsticks really helped achieve the accordion aspect. If I had to make this again, I'd cut down on the number of potatoes and season each a little more.

2013-12-07 13.51.22.jpg

